donderdag 29 maart 2012

Thursday, 29th of March

On twitter/facebook I promised to show the present I made for my mother-in-law,
so here it is:

all samples of beauty products (most of them Louis Widmer, but also Roc,Vichy and others)
with a cute little teddy bear !

Well, sometimes I get a few samples from my aunt, and sometimes there's make-up included.
Today, I tested a lip pencil and a special gloss.. but I though the color was a little to heavy on me..although.. when I look at the picture now I quite like it..

I also went shopping today for another outfit for work.
'cause the shop I'll be working in opens this saturday! I'm a little thrilled!
So I went to L&L Sint-Denijs-Westrem to see those awesome colleagues back
and I bought this awesome skirt with VERY comfy t-shirt (the fabric feels so light and soft!)

Well, that's that for today, tomorrow a twelve hour workday (from 6h till 19h) so I'd better get off to bed now! But first some quality time with my awesome boyfriend off course!

See ya!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een leuk cadeau heb je gemaakt, lijkt me supertof om te krijgen!
    Leuke spulletjes heb je geshopt!

    1. Het knuffeltje had ik erbij gedaan met de bedoeling van het pakketje een beetje te kunnen opvullen.. maar dat bleek achteraf gezien niet echt nodig, het zat echt stampvol. Ze was idd heel erg blij met 't kado'tje, het is ook echt superleuk om te maken en te geven!

      En dankje, ben weer best blij met mn aankoopjes! shoppen is toch zo fijn!
